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What NOT to Do in an Interview

Job seeker advice

So after a lengthy job search and numerous phone calls contributing to your engineering career development, you have been selected for an interview! The conversations you participate in within the interview will determine whether you are the right fit. We have described a few characteristics below that can disrupt your chances of obtaining your dream role.

In your interview you should be showcasing your talents and convincing the employer you are their most suitable candidate. Just be you, eventually your nervousness will dampen and you will be able to confidently progress through the interview swimmingly. Below are some DONTS to take into consideration.

Arriving Late

If you are aware of any road congestions or any obstructions that may jeopardise your arrival time, leave earlier. There are little to no excuses for arriving late, you should be doing everything in your power to avoid these difficulties. First impressions are a large contender to future progression with that employer, plan ahead!

Lack of Preparation

Would you take an exam without ever researching the topic? No. This could be a life changing career move, prepare for your interview and do as much homework as you can! If you don’t take time to research the company, they will realise. Google is your best resource!

Dress Code

Dress for the job! A creased flower shirt from your trip to Lanzarote three years ago will not get you anywhere. To gain insight on what they expect you to wear, check the company website for some information relating to a dress code. Smart casual is a good alternative to a full suit. Show you can look the part!

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

Lying will not aid your chances of employment! The company will test your skills on a day to day basis, try your best to be honest when asked various questions. Identify how your past work experiences have contributed to your current workplace and how you plan to be open to learning and improvements if required.

Catching Up with Sleep

Though you might not feel an interest to a certain topic, day dreaming and yawning is a bad representation of yourself. A lot can be said through your body language, fidgeting and slouching can indicate that you are bored. Stay engaged in the conversation, maintain eye contact and ask relevant questions.

If you do all of the above, you can almost guarantee that the interviewer will not be interested in progression your application further, you might also do yourself out of other future opportunities as people do remember others for the wrong reason.

If you have an interview coming up with an Engineering Company and want some advice on what best to do, we recommend calling our Engineering Recruitment Consultants today.