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Improving the Hiring Process

Employer advice

No one has fully nailed the Hiring Process, but we think the below can help guarantee success. By making your Hiring Process transparent and displaying enthusiasm throughout can ensure the likelihood of your new starter joining you is very high. 

A variety of people are going to apply to your business, picking out just one can be a tough process. As you want to make the best decision for your business and your current employees.

However, hiring is different to recruiting; the process someone goes through after being selected from various candidates, is the hiring process, once the interview stage is over and done with and you have selected who you wish to move forward with, there are certain things you should do to ensure your New Hire starts and is most importantly, is in it for the long haul.

The end goal of the hiring process is to introduce a new candidate to your team, but it all starts with a job offer. Enthusiasm is the best resource for completing the hiring process.

Many elements can effect an individual’s choice to accept the job offer, this could range from nervousness to change roles or anxiety towards meeting new colleagues.

If the communication between each party within the hiring process is met with enthusiasm, the success rate of finishing the hiring process will dramatically increase. 

If you delay producing an official offer letter, this could impact a candidate’s decision. You may end up presenting the company as unorganised or uninterested, you need to maintain the same eagerness throughout this process.

Displaying a friendly and kind persona with every interaction, will help make the candidate feel comfortable and have ease as they approach their first day. Make sure ahead of them joining you communicate what their first day(s) with your company look like so they know what to expect. Confirm your dress code with them, confirm where they need to park, confirm their hours and when their lunch is.

When they arrive on their first day, be ready for them. Introducing them to your team should be exciting, exceed their expectations with your enthusiasm towards their arrival, have their log ins ready, if they need to do training courses, have these set up and ready to go and most importantly make them feel welcome.

New employees are expected to be nervous, be aware of this and ensure they have everything they need to settle in swiftly.

Perfect Placement Engineering Recruitment are here to help you with your Engineering Recruitment needs, but we don’t just stop there. Once we have placed someone with your company we go out of our way to iron out any creases before they start and within their probation period.

Make your Hiring Process a success by entrusting your Recruitment to our team of Engineering Specialists today.